Sunday, 20th of may, was celebrated Pentecost. This is the day when the Holy Spirit gave the disciples power to preach the gospel around the world. This year Pentecost also was the international day is not reached by the gospel, because, billions of people around the world still can’t hear the Good news about Jesus Christ.
More than a third of mankind will probably never hear the message about Jesus.
“Of the 7 billion people on Earth, over 3 billion — which is about 40% of the world population — have no opportunity to hear the gospel in the place where they live,” reports Wayne Pederson, “Alliance for the unreached by the gospel.”
Wayne Pederson says that’s why on may 20, his organization has held three international day of the unreached with the gospel. Why in this day? Because it is also the Sunday of Pentecost, marking the day that the Holy Spirit descended on the followers of Christ.
“In fact, the Holy Spirit gives power to the gospel,” he says.
It is important to talk about its significance, especially among believers.
The average Church spends less than 1% of their funds to “reach the unreached”. Do we not care? Are we not sick at heart? Or is it unites us, motivates, encourages action?
Pederson, specifically refers to the last commandment of Jesus on earth: “it is Important to pay attention to the last words of a man. In our case, Jesus said bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.”
Unfortunately, as shown by a new survey, American parishioners don’t even remember what it led to.
“More than 50% did not know the answer to the question: “What is the Great Commission?”, he Pederson.
Pederson hoped that the world stream in Facebook on may 20, allowed Christians to learn what they need about the Great Commission, so that they could fulfill it.
The best preachers and teachers such as pastor David Platt, took part in the International day of the unreached with the gospel this year.
“There are people who are born, live and die, but never will hear the gospel, no one will ever tell them the Good news of God’s love for them in Christ,” he says.
For those who think that “reach the unreached” — not his business, Peterson has a warning: “If we experienced a touch of the love of Christ, accepted His salvation, His forgiveness, the promise of eternal life… If we have experienced it all, any of us would want to share it with our neighbor across the street and our neighbors around the world.”