In the construction of a new highway is planned to demolish the existing Orthodox Church of the PDP. Joseph of Volokolamsk and all the outbuildings in the Old Belyayeva in connection with redevelopment areas, including mission center missionary courses, sports building.
Representatives of the Obruchevsky district Council on 4 December 2018 was formally notified of the draft plan for the area bounded by the streets of the Academician Chelomeya, Innovators, Obrucheva and boundaries the preparation of a draft plan of TPU “Kaluga” (obruchevsky district of Moscow SWAD) and the draft amendments to the rules of land use and development of the city of Moscow in respect of the project area plan for the area bounded by the streets of the Academician Chelomeya, Innovators, Obrucheva and boundaries the preparation of a draft plan of TPU “Kaluga”.
This project involves the construction of the motorway which will be situated in the place of the existing current wooden Church of the PDP. Joseph of Volokolamsk in the Old Belyayeva. Estimated the motorway will also be held at the place of accommodation of socially significant objects of the temple complex: Sunday school for children and adults, a gym, a missionary center, etc. Built the temple complex of the Transfiguration in the Old Belyayeva, designed for 2 thousand people, is actually deprived of the opportunity of realization of social areas.
The future stone Church is at the stage of a zero cycle (Foundation laying), to build it required a huge amount of money, which at the moment, the community has not, since the construction is carried out solely on the donations of individuals. In this regard, the construction will take a significant amount of time. During the demolition of the wooden Shrine, the locals are deprived of places of worship in the whole of Moscow is a unique missionary center (which come from different ends of Moscow and Moscow region.
12 December 2018 at the recreation center “Nadezhda” (street Obrucheva, the house 11) held a public hearing concerning the draft plan for the area bounded by the streets of the Academician Chelomeya, Innovators, Obrucheva and boundaries the preparation of a draft plan of TPU “Kaluga”. Meeting of participants of public hearings will be held at 19:00. Time of beginning of registration of participants 18:00.
We ask all concerned people to leave their feedback in the journal and come December 12 at the public hearing and support our parish!
Also the blessing of the rector of the Church Archpriest Roman Markov to prepare for the meeting of participants of public hearings organized collection of signatures in favour of keeping the wooden Church in honour of the PDP.Joseph Of Volokolamsk. The parish invites all concerned people to sign in support of the temple. This can be done in the Church shop or at the temple venerable. Joseph of Volokolamsk in the Old Belyayeva at: Akademika Chelomeya, possession 3B.
If you are unable to come to the temple and to put his signature in his defense, it is possible to download the form petition, print it from the site of the temple and sign. You can also collect signatures from their family and friends and then bring them to the temple.