His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill has sent letters to the heads of all the Orthodox Churches with the proposal to start the discussion of the situation around the Church life in Ukraine at pan-Orthodox level. Reported Information-enlightenment Department of the UOC with reference to “Interfax”.
“Letters of this kind sent to all primates of the local Orthodox Churches. They informs the Patriarch about the events in Ukraine, sets out the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, and notes that unilateral actions of the Patriarchate of Constantinople can lead to dire consequences for the unity of world Orthodoxy”, — said the Deputy Chairman of the Synodal Department for external Church relations of the Russian Orthodox Church Archpriest Nikolai Balashov.
According to Archpriest Nikolay, the Patriarch offers to “do everything possible in order to initiate a pan-Orthodox discussion of the issue.”
Recall on September 14 the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has proposed to debate the situation in Ukraine among the primates of the local Churches. Alexandria Patriarch Theodoros II during his visit to Ukraine said that will report to all the primates of the Orthodox Churches about the real Church situation in Ukraine.