20 September 2018 in the Sergievsky hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour under chairmanship of Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill and mayor of Moscow S. S. Sobyanin has held the VIII session of the Board of Trustees of Fund of support of building of temples of Moscow, reports patriarhiei.
The meeting was attended by members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation “Support the construction of temples in Moscow”, the working group of the Board of Trustees support the construction of churches of the city of Moscow, prefects of administrative districts of the capital, responsible for the construction of temples in Moscow vicariates, the city hall staff and Financial-economic upravlencheskogo Patriarchate.
The meeting was attended by Plenipotentiary representative of RF President in Central Federal district Igor Shchegolev, assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin; the head of the Federal tax service of Russia Mikhail Mishustin; head of Department of national policy and interregional relations of Moscow V. I. Knots; head of Department of urban planning policy of Moscow S. I. Levkin; head of the Department of natural resources and environmental protection of Moscow A. O. Kulbachevsky; Deputy mayor of Moscow in Government of Moscow on issues of regional security and information policy Alexander N. Gorbenko, the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Advisor to the mayor of Moscow, the adviser of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia concerning construction of V. I. resin; the chief architect of Moscow, first Deputy Chairman of the Committee for architecture and urban planning of Moscow Sergei Kuznetsov; senior Vice President — financial Director of JSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel” S. G. Malyshev, and others.
From the Russian Orthodox Church participated in the meeting: Metropolitan Arseny of Istra, the first vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia in Moscow; the Metropolitan of Ryazan and Michael mark, Chairman of the Financial-economic Department of the Moscow Patriarchate, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation “Support the construction of temples in Moscow”; the Archbishop Sergiy of Solnechnogorsk, head of the Administrative Secretariat of the Moscow Patriarchate; Archbishop Matthew, the Manager of the North-Eastern and Western vicariates of Moscow; Bishop of Dmitrov Theophylact, vicar of Andrew’s Stavropigialny monastery, the Manager of the southwest Vicariate of Moscow, Orekhovo-Zuevsky Bishop Panteleimon Chairman of the Synodal Department for Church charity and social service, Manager of the Eastern Vicariate of Moscow; Domodedovo Bishop John, Manager of South-Eastern Vicariate and the Vicariate of New territories of Moscow.
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill addressed the congregation with the word.
The participants were welcomed by the mayor of Moscow S. S. Sobyanin.
“The city has assumed the obligation of furnishing a comfortable public space around the new churches. Thus Muscovites get in a walking distance of not only the temple but also a landscaped, green area for walking and recreation, said the mayor of the Russian capital. — At the beginning of the Program was a lot of questions and doubts: will there be new temples in places of worship only or both public and social centers for local residents.”
“We see that the hopes for an active role of new churches in their areas start to come true. Church communities do a lot of social work, conduct charity events, help to large families, lonely elderly people, invalids and people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. Parishes new churches actively involved in work on additional education of children. This is an extremely important, hard work, which I hope will continue,” — said Sergei Sobyanin.
“We are also closely involved in the restoration of historical monuments of Church architecture is our common history, our common memory and, in the end, it is the duty of the state to help rebuild the previously destroyed temples,” said the mayor.
Next, a report on the implementation of the Program of building of Orthodox temples in Moscow the Deputy of the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly V. I. resin.
According to statistics, in September 2018 in Moscow built 46 temples, completed construction and installation works in 17 temples, built 25 churches, the number of temporary temples where the divine Liturgy is celebrated — 92.
Metropolitan the Ryazan and Mihajlovsky mark presented a report on the activities of Fund of support of building of temples of Moscow over the past year.
There was a discussion of changes in the composition of the Working group of the Board of Trustees support the construction of temples in Moscow.
Also, the meeting discussed issues related to the construction of temples and the activities of the Fund.
As noted during the meeting, the allocation of land for the construction of churches will continue in those areas of the city, where in the framework of the new sites have not yet been allocated. In particular, land plots for construction of temples will be highlighted in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative areas in coordination with the Vicariate of New territories of Moscow.
In the implementation of design work decided to focus on the design of churches on individual projects with a rate of capacity of 500 members (where possible and necessary — more).
The working group of the Board of Trustees it was recommended that when the plan of design and construction is considered a priority area of work of the Fund in the 2018-2020 year the completion of the temple complex started in 2013-2015 (street of red Lighthouse, VL. 19; yuzhnobutovskaya ul., VL. 62-66; Saranskaya str., VL. 1; bulatnikovskaya str., 8A; Dnepropetrovskaya str., 16; the Ural St., opposite D. 21; the intersection of malachite and Bazhova str.).
The prefectures of administrative districts of Moscow will continue work on improvement and gardening of territories under construction around the temple complexes.
The newly formed and registered parishes should continue to follow the existing practice of installation of temporary temples for the land.
At the end of the session, his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill thanked all the participants for their cooperation.