September 19, 2018, the day of the remembrance of the miracle of the Archangel Michael, the former miracle at Chonae (Colossae), the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill, the Minister of defence of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu visited Military-Patriotic Park of recreation and culture of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation “Patriot” (Moscow region, Odintsovo district), where was held the ceremony of laying the main temple of the Russian Armed forces in honor of the resurrection of Christ, according to patriarhiei.
On the area where will be built the temple were: the chief of the General staff of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation — first Deputy Minister of defence of the Russian Federation General of the army V. V. Gerasimov; the Deputy defense Minister — head of the Main military and political control of the Armed forces, Colonel-General A. V. Kartapolov; elected Governor of Moscow oblast Andrei Vorobyov, representatives of the Ministry of defense and other government and public organizations, veterans, officers and soldiers of the Armed forces of Russia, and also yunarmeytsy.
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill performed the rite of consecration of the laying of the Foundation stone of the temple.
Took part in the service: the Patriarchal vicar of the Moscow diocese, Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna Juvenal; the Bishop of North sea and Umbsky Mitrofan; Archpriest Mikhail Egorov, the regional Secretary of the Moscow diocesan administration; Archpriest mark Yermolayev, Chairman of the Department for interaction with Armed forces and law enforcement agencies of the Moscow regional diocese; priest Igor Nagaitsev, the Dean of the Odintsovo district of the Church; the priest Grigory Fedotov, coordinator of General Affairs from the Russian Orthodox Church in the composition of the working group of the headquarters of the construction of the main temple of the Russian Armed forces on the territory of military-Patriotic Park “Patriot”.
The liturgical chants were performed by the choir of St. George’s Cathedral in the city of Odintsovo near by P. Karpov.
The temple groundbreaking was also attended by the Military exemplary orchestra of the guard (the chief of the band — major P. A. Gernez), choir and ensemble of the Engineering troops of the Russian Federation “For faith and Fatherland”, the artistic Director of the hegumen Barnabas (Columns).
After the consecration the Foundation stone was lifted up prayers “for the repose of the souls of the departed servants of God novopaschenny valiant warriors of our country Russian, in the line of duty in Syria victims”.
Upon completion of the moleben, his Holiness Patriarch Kirill addressed the congregation with the word:
“Your Excellency, highly esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich! Your Excellency, the Minister of defence of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu! Military Vysokopreosvjashchennyj and most Reverend hierarchs! Fathers, brothers and sisters!
We have committed an act that is inscribed in the history of the Russian Armed forces, and in the history of our country. Built a Church in honor of our victory in the great Patriotic war and in all wars that befell our people. These victories saved the country, saved the nation, secured the very physical existence of our nation, the historical existence of Russia.
We live in a time when, unfortunately, neither war nor rumors of war (cf. 24:6) is not gone from our lives. And still the Armed forces are a major factor in the preservation of freedom, independence and sovereignty of our country. We know that Russia never has and never waged wars of conquest. Russia supports its Armed forces, knowing that in this difficult time for the Armed forces that will protect its sovereignty and historical destiny of our people. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the role and importance of the Russian armies.
We know that in order that troops could win, it is necessary to observe many conditions. This also applies to the level of training, level of armament, but probably the main condition that you should always observe is to maintain the state of mind of those who, swearing allegiance to the country, makes a promise and to lay down his life for the Motherland. No public service requires sacrifice even to death — only to military service requires a willingness to die, to give the most precious thing a man can have.
Can give my life for someone and even at Home, if he is weak in spirit if his mind is in turmoil, if destroyed system of values? He will never be able to do that, he will not overstep your natural fear. In order for the warrior to be able to remain faithful to the oath, he must have a very strong spirit. And the spirit is not a material concept, in the spirit of no grain of substance. Spirit is the soul of the man, his mind, his will, his feelings.
Fountain of spirit is God, and therefore, the strengthening of the spiritual power of man is carried out primarily through prayer. When we connect with God, closes the circuit between us and God, and that chain is the divine energy that strengthens the spirit of man. That’s why we are currently building temples in many in the face of the Russian land. And how wonderful that on the initiative of the Russian Armed forces and there will be erected a Church in honor of our past victories, where the military will be able with a special feeling to pray to God for themselves, for their loved ones and for your Home!
I Express my heartfelt gratitude to You, Mr President, as commander in chief, for their support of this initiative coming from our Armed forces. And rejoice in the fact that today, on this wonderful beautiful day we all together could make the laying of the Foundation stone of the future temple sevenscore of the Russian state. May the Lord preserve our land, our country and our army. Many and good years!”
Participants in the construction of the temple was welcomed by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin:
“Your Holiness! Dear participants of the ceremony!
We are really at a very important historical event in the spiritual life of Russia: today will lay the first Foundation stone of the Cathedral of the resurrection of Christ. Dedicated to the Victory of our people in the great Patriotic war, it will become the main temple of the Armed forces, another symbol of the inviolability of our national traditions, our loyalty to the memory of ancestors and their achievements for the good of the Fatherland.
We have for centuries customary to erect temples in honor of the military exploits of Russian, the Russian army. They are designed to glorify military prowess and satisfy your sorrow for the victims, store examples of selflessness, heroism, love of country and to pass them on from generation to generation.
These examples remember the very land on which will be erected this temple. During the great Patriotic war took place near here the last lines of defense of the capital, Moscow. In these forests in the winter of 1941 at the cost of huge losses and efforts, the enemy was stopped and then turned back.
To remember and honor those who gave their lives for their country, to cultivate a grateful memory of the descendants — our sacred duty.
I believe the temple will be built here, people will come. To come to pay tribute to the defenders of the Fatherland.
I want to thank the leadership of the Armed forces for this initiative.
Thank you for your attention”.
After the speeches, Vladimir Putin, Patriarch Kirill and Sergei Shoigu got acquainted with the project of construction of the temple complex. About the project said the chief architect, the author of the project of D. M. Smirnov, the main artist of painting and iconography of the temple of the people’s artist of Russia V. I. Nesterenko, Chairman of the Expert Council on Church art, architecture and restoration Archpriest Leonid Kalinin.
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The vast temple complex, designed in a monumental Russian-Byzantine style, located on the territory of the Park “Patriot” and will symbolize the spirituality of the Russian army, raising the sword only to protect his country. Each of the chapels of the temple dedicated to the Saint-patron of one of the arms of troops and types of Armed forces of Russia. The project envisages construction of: the chapel of St. Elijah the Prophet, the patron Saint of videoconferencing and airborne troops of Russia; the chapel of St. Barbara, the patron of the strategic missile forces; the chapel of the Holy Apostle Andrew the first-called, patron Saint of the Navy.
On the territory of the temple complex will be built universal multimedia Museum-exhibition complex “Spiritual troops of Russia”, a unique exhibition which will be devoted to various episodes of the heroic history of the Russian army. Visitors will be immersed in a three-dimensional historical reconstructions projected on the walls thanks to the virtual reality technology will be transferred to the ice of lake Peipus in the middle of the Ice, visit the cockpit, will become a member of the Kerch naval battle, get acquainted with the gallery of the heroes “Charity”, and will be able to see the film in the panoramic cinema.
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