Last month, the Ministry of education surprised his parents with a proposal to limit to tighten the requirements for foster parents and to introduce mandatory psychological testing to weed out incompetent representatives. The law has not yet entered into force and remains in the project, but parents already there were complaints that they began to refuse custody, allegedly on the basis of this law. Experts say that it is illegal. They talked about how must be serious concerns that parents stop giving children.
- The Ministry of education will propose a test program for adoptive parents
- MPs want to introduce mandatory psychological testing for adoptive parents
- Lyudmila Petranovskaya: Introduction of tests for foster parents – discuss vague idea
- Professionals working with orphans has opposed testing for adoptive families
- The people of Russia call to halt the development of the law on the restriction of the number of adopted children in families
Refer to the bill when it still hasn’t passed, it is absolutely illegal
Natalia Gorodiskaâ. Photo:
Natalia Gorodiskaâ, Chairman of the Council of representatives of public associations of families raising children left without parental care with the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation
– What have you heard about the latest news related to the law?
– We recently took a foster child, passed through the correctional Council of the Ministry and the survey. But these rules were introduced to the draft law on the territory of Moscow region. This is for families that have more than 3 children and are from the regions. We knew it until the bill.
– Does behind the scenes, the bill is now in the regions?
– I only heard about one case where parents were saying that they refused and referred to the bill. I specifically, the Ministry clarified this issue and explained to me that this bill is nothing but the rule is valid on the territory of the municipality for some time. Now there is a lot of information from the regions that care, I’m afraid not want to give, make a negative conclusion if a lot of children in the family. But I only about this one case, you know.
– What to do if it happens?
– To refer to the bill when it still hasn’t passed, it is absolutely illegal. I was talking to Association executives. If suddenly such incidents are taking place for me personally to write, and we will understand why and on what basis is denied. At the moment everything is just at the project level, will continue meetings and discussions. It will, but we need to finalise. Moreover, the work will consist of experts from the parent community. Everyone will take part in it. If there are cases of failure, we need people not afraid to talk about it, that it was reasoned. If it is really illegal, then you need to contact an attorney.
Trying to pretend that everyone is happy, in fact already and so have all the law will not change anything
Anton Zharov
Anton Zharov, a lawyer, a specialist in family law, juvenile justice and the protection of the rights of children, including those left without parental care
– As far as legally, in some places already began to deny parents custody?
– As this law does not apply, of course, it’s illegal. The project will not made and was not seen officially, while there are only talk.
– Can lead to the official adoption of the law?
– I have already explained in detail why this can not be done. Today tests are voluntary. People cheat, it really is necessary. You can refer to any psychologist and ask the question: “am I Ready for adoptive parenthood?” And you the psychologist with the knowledge that he has can answer that you should wait or what you do. This is an optional diagnostics, which is carried out at the request of the candidates for guardians, so that they were aware, ready or not. But in fact it is used not so forced to undergo all, particularly in this persists MO. And the results that you get, they send to the guardianship.
– Is it possible for it to influence?
– All this, of course, illegal, but who will formally argue? There’s nothing you can do. The psychologist expressed his opinion, he got the guardianship. They write you that you do not have a harmonious environment in the family, for example, recently wrote one woman, “the presence of an internal vacuum in the field of beauty of nature and art, the presence of internal conflict in the region a happy family life”. And based on that you say that it is too early to take a baby and first is to find the harmony, and then to come to the guardianship. You then can appeal? You yourself went to this psychologist? Themselves. Themselves signed a document stating that he passed to the guardianship? Themselves. Then why be surprised? If you got those results, they will be doing whatever you want. And so today, when the situation is voluntary. And when it’s not voluntary? You go to a psychologist, who do not know to give up the results will not.
Now comes the implementation of the law without the law itself. They are trying to pretend that everyone is happy that everything is in fact already there and that the law will not change anything…
Attempt parents “the right answer” can make the results confusing
Ekaterina Zhuikova
Ekaterina zhuikova, clinical and family psychologist, head of Department on development of family forms of education, Institute of integrative family therapy, a lecturer in the school of adoptive parents, the charity Fund “Family”
– As far as it is reasonable to introduce psychological testing of candidates for the guardians?
– It is a very sad fact that psychological tests that are designed to be a framework for psychological care are perceived as “examination”, which must be passed. Moreover, psychological testing does not test knowledge, and its effectiveness should the trust between the psychologist and the patient. Since this is almost never in our situation, the parents attempt to “answer correctly” can make the results confusing, they can be interpreted in an unexpected way. Of course, all the tests are on the Internet with descriptions and keys, and if someone wants to delve into this issue and artificially constructed his image – he can try to do it. However, to encourage I in any case can not.
– Is it possible somehow parents podgotovitel to the tests? How?
– The best option: easy to answer questions, trying to reflect in the answers of their values and attitudes, the real situation in the family, avoiding categorical, excessively oppositional and hostile to anyone of statements. And then hope that roulette, which at the moment is the qualifying test will not be an obstacle to parenthood. If all the same your perception of yourself, your family differ from the results of the diagnosis, don’t be afraid to clarify on what basis the conclusions, be clear for yourself why some data are an obstacle to the adoption of the child.
Prepared By Maria Evsina