The Speaker Of The Vatican Greg Burke
Together with the press Secretary of the Roman Catholic Church resigned and his Deputy Paloma garcía Ovejero.
Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of press Secretary of the Vatican Greg Burke and his Deputy Paloma garcía Ovejero who suddenly want to leave their posts, reported the international news Agency “Reuters”.
“In this period of transition in communications of the Vatican, we believe that the best the Holy Father could be absolutely free to assemble a new team,” explained Twitter the speaker of the Roman Catholic Church the reasons for his action.
Temporarily fulfilling duties of the speaker of the Vatican became an Italian journalist Alessandro Gisotti.
2 weeks before that, the Roman Pontiff appointed a Director at all communications of the other Italian Vatican journalist Andrea Tornielli and fired longtime editor-in-chief of the daily Vatican newspaper “L’osservatore Romano”.
American journalist Greg Burke from 2012 he served as adviser of the Secretariat of State, press Secretary he became in 2016. According to experts, after election to the papacy of Pope Francis, Burke, who is well acquainted with the media theme, made a great contribution to the creation of the image of the new head of the Roman Church.
His Deputy Paloma garcía Ovejero, which was one of the most senior women of the city-state the Vatican before his appointment as Deputy press Secretary to the Roman Catholic Church worked as a reporter on Spanish radio.