Incessant monsoon rains have led to flooding in the Philippines. Many cities were isolated, but the team of si-bi-EN on the elimination of consequences of natural disasters deliver the required assistance to the affected families.
Armando showed us how he put one chair to another to be saved from rising water house.
“I asked rescuers to take my son to a safe place, and he stayed because I don’t want to be a burden. I was not afraid, because he believed that in any case, Jesus will be with me,” said victim from the flood Armando Gantala.
Armando blind. A few years ago his wife left him with their son. Despite the difficulties, Armando does not leave hope.
“This is just a test, and I believe God will help me overcome it. I thank the Lord for my son, because I see through him. His eyes became my eyes,” he says.
“Some kids were making fun of me because my dad was blind. Dad said, “don’t look at them.” I hugged my father and again felt the power”, says Armando Gantala Jr., son Armando.
Armando can’t work and relies on support from the state. However, the element that struck their city, complicate obtaining food for the son with the father. That’s why Armando was so happy when his 10-year-old son brought home a humanitarian assistance team from CBN. The organization swim through flooded villages in small boats, rendering assistance to the families. They bring rice, water, canned food and pasta, as well as the Bible to the inhabitants of this city, which was cut off from the world due to flooding.
The CBN team for their timely arrival and very grateful to Marcela because her family practically out of food. There was only soy sauce and shrimp paste. She was glad when the nurse examined her granddaughter, who was suffering from a temperature, and gave the girl drugs.
The staff of CBN to assist flood victims in the provinces that were in the disaster area. In addition to financial assistance workers provide and spiritual.
“Thank you, Lord, and thank you, CBN, for coming to help us, despite the difficult conditions. Thank you for the Bible. The son reads it to me,” thanks Armando senior.
“I love milk, but we have no money to buy it. Thank you, CBN. If you hadn’t arrived, we would die from hunger”, says Armando Gantala Jr.