Pope Francis was elevated to the cardinals 14 bishops of the Catholic Church and Your Bible

Pope Francis during a Consistory, held on Thursday in the Vatican, built in the cardinal virtue 14 the hierarchs of the Roman Catholic Church, the names of whom he declared at the end of may, according to Blagovest.

At a ceremony in St. Peter’s “princes of the Church” became the Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church, Archbishop Louis Raphael I Sako, the prefect of the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith, Luis Ladaria, the vicar General of Rome, Angelo de Donatis, Deputy Secretary of the Holy see at the General Affairs and a special papal delegate to the sovereign order of Giovanni Angelo, Becca, papal eleemosynary Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, the Archbishop of Karachi, Pakistan Joseph Coutts, Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, in Portugal, antónio Marta, Archbishop of Huancayo (Peru) Pedro Barreto, Archbishop of Madagascan city of Toamasina désirée Carahasani, l’aquila Archbishop Giuseppe Petrocchi and Archbishop of Osaka Thomas Akvin mana Maeda.

For his achievements in the service of the Church of the purple hats, the color of which symbolizes a willingness to shed their blood for the cause of Christianity, also received an honorary Archbishop of Jalapa (Mexico) Sergio Obeso Rivera, honorary Prelate Bolivian Corocoro Toribio Porco Tikon and the representative of the religious congregations of clarentine, Aquilino Bokos Merino. Due to his age (all three of them over 80 years), they are not eligible to participate in the Conclave to elect the Pope.

In his homily, Francis warned bishops from the pursuit of personal interests in service to the Church.

“Jesus teaches us that conversion, change of heart and reform of the Church is and will always be in the spirit of missionary work, because it assumes that the person ceases to monitor and protect their own interests to care about the interests of the Lord,” said Pope Francis to the cardinals, who took the oath of loyalty to the Church and obedience.

According to him, the clergy should be “in the moment of truth, in the most difficult times for our brothers to be willing to accept and accompany everyone” without alienating anyone because of myopia or discussion, “who of us is more important.”

“When we forget about the mission when we lose sight of the faces of our brothers, our lives are locked away in the search of our own interests… And start growing annoyance, sadness and disgust. Gradually becomes a little space for others, for the Church, for the poor, in order to hear the voice of the Lord. So lost the joy, and the heart dries up,” said the Pope.

Local observers have noted the international character of the new cardinal’s “appeal”, stressing that Pope Francis consistently expanding the geography of Board members outside Europe.

  • Today’s Consistory was the fifth, during which Francis was elevated to the dignity of cardinal bishops of the Roman Catholic Church. All the years of the current Pontiff purple beanies “princes of the Church” received 74 people.
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