Poroshenko signed a law obliging the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to change the name


President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed a law obliging the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) in its name to indicate the affiliation to the Russian Orthodox Church, reports “Interfax” with reference to the official website of the President.

The report notes that we are talking about approved by the Parliament of Ukraine on 20 December, the law “On amendments to the law of Ukraine “On freedom of conscience and religious organizations”. The law concerns the names of religious organizations, which are included in the structure of religious organizations with the leadership centre outside the country, “in the state, which the law recognized carries out military aggression against Ukraine and/or temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine”.

“People have a constitutional right to free choice of religion. Marked changes to the law create the best conditions for the realization of such a right for those who will decide to what Orthodox jurisdiction to belong. Whether to newly created Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine, or to the Church, which insists on maintaining its connection and dependence of the Russian Orthodox Church”, – said Poroshenko, by signing the law.

The President of Ukraine noted that “the choice is easier to do when all things are called by their names.” “The implementation of the law will provide citizens with all completeness of the information,” he said.

According to Poroshenko, changes to the law adhere to the principle of freedom of religion and equality of all religions, no restrictions of constitutional rights of citizens will not.

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