On October 17 at the College in Kerch explosions and gunshots, according to the latest data, 20 people died and over 40 were injured. Among the victims were 15 students and 5 staff of the College. Metropolitan Feodosia and Kerch Plato, along with the head of the diocesan social Department, priest John Kopylov arrived on the scene. It was subsequently organized four-hour duty of the priests in the mortuary to support the families of the victims and in the 1st Kerch hospital to provide spiritual assistance to victims, reports Diakoniai. One of the first on the scene was the clergyman of the temple in the name of the Holy myrrh-bearers Archpriest Valentin Miller, who lives at the Church across the street from the College.
“I was on the spot in a minute after the explosion: the temple is located directly opposite the College. At 11:45 there was a terrible clap, I ran out and heard six gun shots. I served in the army, and you know, when you shoot a gun, – said the Archpriest Valentin Miller. – I with another man ran to the College cafeteria, and from there began to leave the children, burnt in the blood. They helped each other to get out of the building. We began to get children to a safe area, close to the temple. In the ambulance it was impossible to call: call all. Then we took the car, which was closest, and began to take the wounded children in the 1st Kerch hospital. Then returned, took another child and in the hospital. Then the ambulance came very quickly, but we were closer”.
In the temple of the Holy myrrh-bearers worship was not, so there was only one employee and Archpriest Valentin Miller, who lives at the temple. To the right of the temple there is a police station, and left the cafe, and all ran from the sound of the explosion. Many, according to Archpriest Valentine Miller, also rushed to save the children.
“First I took two students. One had minor injuries, the other severe. A strong shock was both – continued Archpriest Valentin Melnik. – I tell them: “Guys, we have mom and dad call”, and they didn’t even understand what I was telling them. Then she asked: “what say?”, and I’m like, “Say what live!”
On the scene October 17 arrived Feodosia and Kerch Metropolitan Platon, head of the Department of charity Theodosia diocese priest John Kopylov and the priests of the temples of the city.
“The whole city mourns – a great sorrow visited Kerch. The priests of our diocese were on duty all night at the hospital, where the wounded, the morgue where the dead were brought and where the process of identification by relatives, said the head of the Department of charity Theodosia diocese priest John Kopylov. – With many in the hospital, who was conscious, was able to talk, to comfort, some expressed a desire to receive communion and one wounded – to be baptized. But not everyone accepts the help of priests and psychologists, it will take time. We will continue to help as long as necessary”.
The evening of the same day, Metropolitan Platon made a litany of the College, in the Cathedral of the Holy myrrh-bearers. On 18 October, in all churches of the Kerch held a citywide memorial service. In the morning at the scene of a large gathering of people at the memorial plaque where many lamps, candles and flowers, Metropolitan Feodosia and Kerch Plato made memorial service. Then he arrived at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist and also made funeral service.
17 October a meeting of the Metropolitan Feodosia and Kerch Plato with the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksenov, who noted the need for the constant presence of priests in hospitals.
October 19, on Lenin square, in front of the Cathedral of St John the Baptist, held a memorial service for the victims will be held the funeral and the first funeral