Four wards of the center of assistance to the homeless “the Hangar of salvation” will take part in the multimedia series “Homeless. Exit.” In a joint pilot project of RIA Novosti and the Orthodox service of assistance “Mercy”, the participants will try to answer the question: “Can the homeless to return to normal life?”
Multimedia series “Homeless. Exit” will last several months. During this time four homeless heroes will receive tasks from staff members of the service “Mercy”, and from journalists. All tasks – from restoring documents up to the task to invite someone on a date given in order to help these people back into society. To comment on the events will be the service specialists “Mercy”, working with the homeless, and the psychologist involved in the program.
“For some, the most difficult task was to call his father, – says the head of the charity programs of the service “Mercy” Irina Meshkova. But if you are simply unable to receive the ready passport.”
Episodes of the project “Homeless. Output” ready in real time, i.e. users are able to follow the events at the time when they occur. And no one, neither the sponsors nor the participants of experiment, do not know in advance how it will end. It is planned that the results of the project will be announced in mid-January. The audience will learn who are the participants of the experiment could radically change your life, and who’s failed. To follow the course of events here.
Heroes of the project “Homeless.Exit” is the members of “Hostel”, which last year implemented a “Charity”. For participants of the program in the first place, renting a room in the hostel and start with them system work. Living on the street, people are not just losing social connections, but loses the ability to set goals and achieve them. Therefore, officers in conjunction with the psychologist weekly meetings with program participants, give them the job, learn to solve problems. Ideally, the participants of the program “Hostel” got to find a place to live, though removable, to reconnect with family and find work.
Service for homeless and “the Hangar of salvation” – projects to help homeless service “Mercy”. In the “Hangar” homeless can obtain urgent help: keep warm in a heated tent, eat, take a shower, get clean clothes and first aid. Social workers help to restore the documents, to get in the shelters, contact the family, buy tickets home. There are also mini-programs to return homeless to the society – “Labor camp”, “Hostel” and “Farm”.