St. Tikhon’s University is conducting the ELEVENTH all-Russian Olympiad “fundamentals of Orthodox culture”

Launched a school tour of the XI all-Russian Olympiad “fundamentals of Orthodox culture”, according to patriarhiei.

The Olympics “Basics of Orthodox culture” is annually included in the list of Olympiads of schoolboys RSOSH on the subjects “History” and “Theology”. The results of examination of materials of the first Olympiad, which was held the all-Russian Olympiads Council, the Orthodox Olympics has the second level. It is the only confessional Olympiad for Olympiads.

The Olympics “basics of Orthodox culture “Holy Russia, keep the Orthodox faith!”” since 2008 holds the Orthodox St. Tikhon humanitarian University. The event is held with the blessing of his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill with the support of the Synodal Department for religious education and catechesis, the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of rectors, Russian Council for schoolchildren Olympiads, presidential grants.

In the Olympiad on a voluntary basis to students in grades 4-11 state, municipal and private educational organizations that implement comprehensive programmes, including educational institutions of the Russian Federation located abroad.

The contest is conducted according to the complex of subjects related to the study of the history and culture of Orthodoxy. Annually in it take part more than 350 thousand participants from 10 thousand schools (five schools), representing 80 regions.

School tour takes place on-site. Responsible from the school the teacher is logged on the website shall apply, download the job in a private office after the school tour places the results on the website.

In 2018-2019 school year, the tasks of the Olympiad school tour will be distributed for the following categories of students: 1) for grades 4-5, 2) for pupils of 6-7 classes, 3) for students in grades 8-9, 4) for students in grades 10-11.

Class 4 students on the module “fundamentals of Orthodox culture” will be able to take part in the Municipal round along with pupils of 5-11 classes in accordance with the schedule of the Olympics.

Students 4-5 classes by module “Secular ethics” is proposed to hold two rounds: school (fall) September 2018-January 2019 and municipal (spring) tour in March 2019.

The theme of the Olympics 2018-2019 school year:

  • “Speculation in stone”: the stone Church architecture of Ancient Russia

The theme draws attention to the history of the emergence of churches and monasteries in the period of stone construction, their architecture, the initiators and architects of the system of painting and memories of the temples, the reflection of images and the fate of these temples in painting and literature.

  • “Slavic world in the age of saints Cyril and Methodius”

The theme allows you to delve into the mission of the Holy brothers, it is better to understand their feat, to consider the fruits of the mission in the Slavic countries, primarily in Bulgaria and Serbia in which their work contributed to the final adoption of Christianity, to see the cultural ties between Russia and other Slavic countries and the importance of the mission for the dissemination and adoption of Christian faith on Russian soil.

  • “Youths: freedom and responsibility”.

More information is available on the website of the Olympiad.

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