“Father’s son left the forest, but controlled his every move. The heart of a parent knows best what to do. Father felt that the child can overcome himself, so it worked” – “the Effectiveness of “treatment” and the methods used by the hero of the film, in the film, and proven”- “This psychological trauma, and even if he recovers, I think he will be after serious problems of a different kind. In happy ending I believe. Here mixed harsh upbringing and psychological abuse.” Is the movie “Temporary difficulties” forced the people to believe in the reality of history, which all experts acknowledge a fantastic and offensive and harmful?
- “Temporary difficulties”: whether cerebral palsy treated with violence
- Cerebral palsy is, and the hero slices through the yacht with a babe
- “Temporary difficulties”: I’ll love you only when you go by yourself?
- “Temporary difficulties” – bad fiction and a sandwich without love
Yesterday in cinemas hosted the premiere of the film “Temporary difficulties”. It addresses complex issues of treatment and education of the child with cerebral palsy. Despite the premiere, the hall was not full. But an hour and a half emotionally intense, heavy pattern, kept the audience’s attention. Impressions from the film the people were strong, but different. We offer you to compare opinions.
Maria, 34 years
Did you know that the film is based on real events?
– I read that Yes, but do not believe in it.
What do you think about this method of education? Do you like it?
– In General, Yes, but I think that went too far emotionally. It is clear that this rigidity has given strength hero, but still a weasel he, too, was needed.
Would you let your husband to raise a child?
I want to think.
Vladimir, 61
– I never thought about how real this story or not, for me is very cool movie, instructive and promising for those who need it.
Do you approve of this method of education?
– Difficult question, ambivalent, requires discussion and understanding… I would not want to be in this situation, but the film I was very much affected.
“Temporary difficulties” — bad fiction and a sandwich without love
In this story, I have a tyrannical father who is trying to bring Frank sadism in a fairly sensible idea “sympathy for the child can sometimes cause him only harm.” A mother who is not afraid of the word, stoically withstands decades of psychological and sometimes life-threatening abuse of a child. And the child, the success of which is reflected in the stunning banality of things: he rides on a yacht in the Moscow river, and his bride, who happily said that “marrying rich” — high-quality contouring eyebrows.
If cerebral palsy in this movie very little resembles the real disease, psychological injury, perhaps, what little has been the Director.
Let me, perhaps cynical comment, since the hero of this film and, apparently, film Director, cynicism does not hold: I think that it is better never to learn to walk without assistance, than to walk, run, jump and even fly, becoming completely devastated, broken, full of childhood fears and a severe neurosis.
I will allow myself to be surprised that in the final film showed a small excerpt from the speech nick Vujcic, a well-known motivational speaker who has truly become successful, happy, and well known speaker, inspiring millions of people. They began by understanding and adopting the closest people who gave him unconditional love. What is lacking all the characters of the movie “Temporary difficulties”.
Natalia, 45 years
Did you like the movie?
– Very! I want to write now about it to your friends, most likely will go again. The problem posed in the film, you can move on our lives. We all have something can’t change, let go. But this is not necessary. Therefore, the film I liked. Although the first half I sat in tears. But the child was able to overcome all difficulties, because his father believed in him. All our problems are temporary difficulties. The film is more about internal self-motivation, that it is not necessary to give up, and you have to believe, do not feel sorry for myself.
Did you know that this is the real story?
– No. But I believe in miracles, so I believe this could be.
Do you have friends with cerebral palsy? How he is treated by others?
– My brother is disabled, his love. He is outside of society, but the people who know him, he is not shy, normally I treat him. It is pure and kind-hearted man. Therefore, the film touched me.
Do you approve of the method of education of the father?
– Probably Yes, no matter how it hurt. This pity gives us to act. If to put the person in a wheelchair, he’s so in it and remains, a hero would not have stood up. And here’s the motivation. I would have thought before. I would think that we should feel sorry for the kid, to make his life easier. And he needs to get up and running.
Larisa and Darin, about 40 years
How such method of education is good in your opinion?
Darin: Pretty cruel way, but in some cases, otherwise nothing.
Larissa: It’s the right way. I absolutely support. Dad of son left in the forest, but controlled his every move. The heart of a parent knows best what to do. If you see that the child is not, then you’re not forced to do it. And here the father felt that the child can overcome yourself, so it worked. The mother pitied the boy, but she did not divorce her husband. It is a psychological story. If she was strongly against it, she would have taken some action.
Do you believe that this is the real story?
Larissa: Well, why not. We have the example of the miracle of life. From Darina has a dog, which she left me when left to rest. I took her parents to the country. One morning they call me, they say: “the Dog doesn’t go. She was paralyzed”. It turned out that a broken spinal cord, need an urgent operation within 24 hours. I say I can’t accept this decision, food for Darina to the airport to pick her up. We are told that the chance is very small that it takes a lot of money. But we decided to do the surgery. I tell the doctors: “Tell like it is, don’t pull. We need to know what a dog”. We show snapshots, explain: “you See, the spinal cord is broken, thread broken, there is no connection. Walking the dog will not. If that happens – that’s one in a billion”. All that said we had to be put down. But now it’s been 6 years since her operation and she goes. Although it took training, pools, acupuncture, massage… of Course she doesn’t go until the end, paws shaking. But overall everything is functioning normally. The film raises an important topic, but right or wrong it does not matter. Father raised character, and most importantly.
Cerebral palsy is, and the hero slices through the yacht with a babe
Olga Zhuravskaya, former President of the Fund “Galchonok” and now head of the NGO “Crane” on his page in Facebook wrote about the release of the picture “Temporary difficulties”: “We are literally on the fingers explained that this scenario – adok hell. Refused to participate in the training camp of the film. Warned that we will fight against ignorance and obscurantism that is spreading the producers”…
Once we read the synopsis of the film, it became clear that THIS must not be allowed to wide screen. The plot is completely fascist history. Bad story with a good cast, I would add. We refused to cooperate, urging to reconsider and to rewrite the script. However, it was already clear that change no one is going. All our words sounded in the void.
Any film that promotes violence, is fascism. A film that promotes violence against children with special needs – fascism in Cuba. Most importantly, people have decided to make a film about a man with cerebral palsy, having no idea about this diagnosis.
I would call you if I told you that children with cerebral palsy go to normal and it just takes ten years of hard work. Understand it in every one. Much depends on the resources of the body. Someone turns to start walking, someone to sit and crawl, someone could only learn to swallow himself.
I imagine that will fall upon the parents of children with cerebral palsy, which is a huge psychological and emotional burden. The load will only increase. So will have to convince others that children with cerebral palsy cannot and should not give up, but what is shown in the film techniques fall under article of the Criminal code of abandonment is in danger.
A child abused. Nobody did anything and failed to stop the rapist. Moreover, about that made the film, showing how great it is to mock the children and what wonderful results it brings!
Nastya, 23 years
I heard about the film back in the summer at a meeting with women who talked about the need for inclusive education. They believe that they need their equal rights with other people that this film should become a powerful impetus in our minds. I’d be interested in.
Do you believe that this is the real story?
– Maybe it is real, the plot itself is true. People raised in certain conditions, can make an incredible. But shown so that the trust is not, because besides the fact that the father put the son in a tough physical frame, the boy was in a terrible psychological pressure. Human warmth from the father of the child I saw. This can contribute to the fact that people will rise. On the contrary, it is a psychological trauma, and even if he gets better, I think he will be after such a childhood, serious problems of a different kind. So happy end of this story I don’t believe and especially reconciliation with the father, because such things do not remain without a trace. If they wanted to show that my father had some education tactics, which he held, it was necessary to show it differently. Here mixed harsh upbringing and psychological violence.
That is, you don’t approve of the hard method of education?
– I do not approve of absolute indifference to the psychological problems of the child, lack of compassion, praise, and support. With regard to the fact that the father forced the boy to do everything on a par with the others, it can actually be useful. But this is a very controversial issue because the stiffness can help, and may finally break. I can’t answer definitely. I probably would not have allowed to raise. I think we should still support a possible child. Yes, it requires some rehabilitation, but leave it on the brink of survival, I wouldn’t.
“Temporary difficulties”: I’ll love you only when you go by yourself?
The filmmakers apparently wanted to tell a story of overcoming a painful condition in the baby, but, not being experts, selected the diagnosis of “cerebral palsy” and was wrong. This story might have been more plausible in relation to some other diagnosis, but about cerebral palsy is a fantastic story.
In all degrees of severity of cerebral palsy it is necessary to develop in the child that he is available. Ideal methods of rehabilitation and habilitation, which would be effective in all situations does not exist. In drawing up the program of rehabilitation is reasonable to proceed from the specific difficulties of the child and choose appropriate methods.
Unfortunately, there is the idea that the more intense and aggressive effects on the child, the better the effect. But it’s not working.
I’m not even talking about violence — an issue not even worth discussing, no one should ever force something to teach, including a man with cerebral palsy. And we condemn practices when a child is forced to suffer. We want to teach the child. And to teach the child only in a situation of calm and confidence when he is interested in what you’re doing. Force is a waste of time and effort.
This is the fault of society, it often ignores the fact that among us there are people with cerebral palsy, doesn’t want to know about the existence of such children. If every day we saw them on the street, in various institutions, in public transport, the children would have met in school, we knew from childhood that the world is diverse and not everyone is as lucky to have full health since childhood.
There are people with cerebral palsy who have difficulties with movement, maybe a speech, but they are people just like us, and this world of theirs. And then the birth of a child not plunged the family into a state of existential terror. Experiencing severe discomfort in this situation, the parents want all the forces to fix it, to make nothing and the baby would be healthy, like everyone else.
But you cannot force a person to be different.
Alex, 36 years
I would most certainly recommend it to friends. Got a very powerful psychological “blow”, but rather “a slap in the face”, sitting in the cinema. Moreover, this slap in the face more forced to think about the actions and motives of the characters, but about your own behavior. The level of empathy and involvement – to the maximum. Because the story about us, though not often with us it happens. Because it’s only fair, though on the verge…
Do you believe that the film is based on real events?
– Not tested the accuracy of the story, which formed the basis for the film, but I believe that such story could happen. Moreover, I believe the creators of the picture, because some people I know personally.
Do you know anyone with cerebral palsy or people with disabilities?
– Familiar with health disabilities (OBC, to me less like the word “disabled”) I have more than enough, including children with cerebral palsy, parents have friends whose children are struggling with this disease. Some problems I know firsthand. In high school, where my children attend, is a great guy. He is very talented and he has cerebral palsy. He moved with a Walker, but otherwise is no different from the rest of the students. There are familiar to children with down syndrome, who are completely socialized. They learn to communicate normally, are absolutely ordinary life of healthy people. And it is thanks to the diligence of parents, their confidence in the fact that the temporary difficulties, if not always 100 %, but can be overcome.
How familiar are people with OVS?
Unfortunately, people can still behave with other “special” people wary and even aggressive. And not only to those who have a serious illness or injury. My daughter has the skin disease, which periodically intensifies rashes appear. And it always becomes the subject of wild fears of other parents. Even when I explain that it’s not contagious, people will still shy away. Thank God, not all. And I’m glad that many of us now not look at people with disabilities as aliens or monsters. We used that there are people that are a little different from us.
Do you think that it’s right to “cure” this educational method, as the father in the movie?
– Effectiveness of “treatment” and the methods used by the hero of the film, in the film, and proven. How could it be or was in real life – I don’t know. But I have many friends who are trying to educate their children on the principle that the voice of the hero Okhlobystin: you’re not sick – it’s temporary difficulties. Of course, not so radical (although I may simply not know what is happening at home), but still with the idea that the disease is not a death sentence.
Would you do your kid so to educate? Would you agree?
– If at stake was the life and health of my child, I would probably also neglected relations. I say “probably” for the reason that I’m not as strong as the hero Okhlobystin. I would not be able constantly to withstand the pleas and complaints of their child – would have surrendered. But who knows – I was not… Can say that sometimes even for perfectly healthy children require fairly rigid methods of education. I know this as my parents ‘ son and as a father of two children.
“Temporary difficulties”: whether cerebral palsy treated with violence
How insulting it is, to put parents and children with cerebral palsy, people who have gone through it.
But even by this movie seems not just poorly made or cynical (this is a common property of a commercial movie), it seems immoral. In fact, the film shows the terrible childhood of a child with cerebral palsy whose father tortures and tyranny.
Speaking about the immorality, I don’t mean abstract installation you need to follow, I argue about the possible specific consequences of such paintings. Yes, and it is made flimsy and superficial. To believe in the sincerity of the characters, especially in their motivation, is difficult.