The assumption of the blessed virgin: history, icons, prayers, sermons (audio, video)

28 August, new style and 15 August, old style Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Dormition of the most Holy lady Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary. Assumption of the virgin – the celebration of the event that is not described in the Bible, but which is known through the Tradition of the Church. The word “assumption” in modern Russian language can be translated as “death”.

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Assumption Of The Virgin

The content of the article

  • The story of the feast of the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary
  • The Dormition of the Theotokos – icons
  • Prayer for the feast of the Dormition of the virgin
  • Sermon on the feast of the assumption of the virgin

Holy mother of God, after the ascension of Jesus was left in the care of the Apostle John the theologian. When king Herod persecuted the Christians, the virgin Mary went with John to Ephesus and lived there in his parents ‘ house.

Here She prayed constantly that the Lord soon took Her to Himself. During one of these prayers that the mother of God have made on the site of the ascension of Christ, appeared to Her the angel Gabriel and told that in three days will end Her mortal life and the Lord will bring Her to him.

Before the death of the blessed virgin Mary wanted to see all of the apostles, which at that time went to different places to preach the Christian faith. Despite this, the desire of the virgin was fulfilled: the Holy Spirit miraculously gathered the apostles at the bedside of the blessed virgin Mary, where She prayed and waited for Their demise. The Saviour himself, surrounded by angels descended to Her to take Her soul with Him.

The blessed virgin turned to the Lord with a grateful prayer and asked the blessing of all to honor Her memory. She also showed great humility: reaching Holiness, which is neither one person, being the Cherubim, and Glorious without compare than the Seraphim, She begged the Son to protect Her from the dark satanic forces and from the ordeal, which takes place after death each soul. After seeing the apostles, the mother of God joyfully gave up Their lives in the hands of the Lord, and he heard angelic singing.

After his death, the coffin with the body of the blessed virgin was referred by the apostles to Gethsemane, and there buried in a cave, the entrance of which was filled with stone. After the funeral, the apostles three days remained in the cave and prayed. Late to the burial of the Apostle Thomas was so saddened that he was not able to venerate the ashes of Mary, that the apostles allowed to open the entrance to the cave and the tomb so he could venerate the Holy remains. Opening the coffin, they found that there is no body of the virgin, and thus was convinced of Its miraculous bodily ascension into Heaven. The evening of the same day gathered at the dinner of the apostles was the mother of God Herself and said, “Rejoice! I am with you all days.”

Death of the virgin Church called Dormition, not death, because the usual human death, when the body returns to the earth, and the spirit of God, is not touched Fertile. “Defeated the laws of nature in You, Pure virgin, – sings the Holy Church, in the troparion of the feast: the birth preserved her virginity, and with death goes life: being at the birth of the Virgin dead, Alive, save You always, mother of God, Thy heritage”.

She only fell asleep to at the same moment, awaken to life technologiniai and after three days with an incorruptible body to move into incorruptible heavenly home. She rested the sweet sleep after a hard waking Her greatly sorrowful life and “died to the Stomach”, that is the Source of Life, mother of Life saving prayer of His from death the souls of earthly beings, instilling in them the Assumption of Their foretaste of eternal life. Indeed, “in prays the not covering deipara and predstatelstvo immutable hope, the coffin and the killing is not uderzhala”.

The story of the feast of the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary

The assumption of the blessed virgin Mary is one of the major Marian feast of the Church.

Some evidence suggests the relationship of this festival with the oldest Marian celebration – “the Cathedral of the blessed virgin,” which to this day takes place the day after Christmas. So, in the Coptic calendar VII. 16 January, i.e. shortly after the leave-taking of Theophany, celebrated “the birth of Lady Mary”, and in the calendar of the IX century in the same number – “the death and resurrection of the virgin” (in the monuments of the Coptic and Abyssinian Churches of XIV–XV centuries, who preserved due to their isolation the ancient liturgical practice, 16 January put the memory of the assumption, 16 August – assumption of the virgin into heaven).

In the Greek Church of credible evidence about this holiday is known since VI century when, according to the testimony of the late Byzantine historian Nicephorus Callistus (XIV century), the Emperor Mauritius (592-602.) commanded to celebrate the feast of the assumption August 15 (for the Western Church we have the testimony not of the VI and V century sacramentary of Pope Gelase I). However, you can talk about the earlier existence of the feast of the assumption, for example, in Constantinople in the IV century there were many churches dedicated to the virgin.

One of them is Blachernae, built by the Empress Pulcheria. Here it was based on the funerary shroud (robe) of the virgin. Archbishop. Sergius (Spassky) in its “Full Menology of the East” indicates that according to the testimony Stilnovo prologue (ancient calendar in verse) the assumption was celebrated in Blachernae August 15, and that Nicephorus should be understood in a special way: Mauritius made the holiday more festive. Starting from the VIII century we have ample evidence that allow us to trace its history up to the present time.

Read also – the Iconography of the assumption: what it is and what it is not

The Dormition of the Theotokos – icons

Miniature from the Gospels of the Emperor Nicephorus II Phocas. XI.

Bone carving. Byzantium. Constantinople. X V.

Icon. approx. 1200. Novgorod

The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin; The Balkans. Serbia. Sopocani; XIII century.

Prayer for the feast of the Dormition of the virgin

Troparion, tone 1

In Christmas chastity preserved art, in the world Dormition thou didst not forsake, o Theotokos,/ thou prestabilita to the stomach,/ Mother who art of the Belly,// and by Thy prayers izbavlenii from death our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

In prays the not covering deipara/ and predstatelstvo immutable hope/ the coffin and the killing is not uderzhala:/ as Bo Belly mother/ to her stomach reposed// in the womb, Selimiye presedintelui.


We magnify Thee, /Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, /glorious and praise /Your assumption.

Favorite hymns of the service of the assumption choir of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and the choir of Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra and Moscow theological Academy and Seminary under the control of the Archimandrite. Matthew.


In Christmas chastity preserved art in the world Dormition thou didst not forsake, o Theotokos, thou prestabilita to the Stomach, Mati mere Belly: and by Thy prayers izbavlenii from death our souls.


(Choir Of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)


(Choir Of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)


In prays the not covering deipara, and in predstatelstvo immutable hope, the coffin and the killing is not uderzhala: as Bo Belly mother belly reposed in the womb, Selimiye presedintelui.

Read also – the assumption in the First inheritance of the Mother of God (PHOTO + AUDIO)


(Choir Of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)

We magnify Thee, the Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, glorious and praise Your assumption.

The stanza for the assumption

Download (choir of Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra and Moscow theological Academy and Seminary under the control of the Archimandrite. Matthew)

O wondrous miracle! The source of Life in the tomb expected, and the ladder to heaven the coffin is: the rejoice, Gethsemane, Holy mother of God house. Posobiem Verney, Gabriel haves of chinonachalie: Grace rejoice, the Lord is with Thee, podaj mirovi Thee great mercy.

The stanza in the fiftieth Psalm


When thou repose Thy most pure body hotflashes, then Apostoli obsteasca SDT to awe zraku Thee. And Ovi UBO viruse on the body, horror, terimi were, Peter tears vopijashe Ti: o virgin, Thee’ll see clearly prosterto just, Belly all, and udivlyaysya: Neige abide future life pleasure! But all MOLISA diligently Son and Thy God, that our souls be saved herd Your nevidimo.


(Choir Of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)


Apostoli from the end sovokupleniya ZDE, Gefsimanii villages Pogrebite My body: and You, Son, and My God, receive My spirit.

Stanzas on hvalite

(Choir Of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)


On Your immortal assumption, the virgin Mother’s Belly, Oblazy the apostles through the air ochisanu, and the world rasseyannyj in the one person of the Holy predstala Your body, the hedgehog and pogrebke honestly, the voice You Gavrielov singing, Sapieha: hail, full of grace hail Mary, Mother Benavista, the Lord is with Thee. With nimize, thou, Thy Son and our God, pray to save our souls.


(Choir Of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)


The angels beholding the Dormition of the most pure udivishsya, kako virgin ascends from earth to heaven. Overcome nature in the statutes of You, o virgin Pure: virgin, Bo Christmas day, and belly preobretet death. Of the Nativity of the virgin, and death alive spaceshi ever, o Theotokos, Thy heritage.

Sermon on the feast of the assumption of the virgin

Homily for the Dormition of the blessed virgin Mary Vladyka Basil (Rodzianko)

Sermon of Archimandrite John krestiankin the feast of the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary

Sermon of his Holiness Patriarch Kirill on the feast of the Dormition of the Holy lady Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary after the divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Dormition Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin, August 28, 2012.

Have you read the article assumption of the virgin: icons, story, prayers. On this topic You can also read other materials:

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