The birthday of the Head of the Russian Imperial House was marked by a solemn service in the Church of St. Irene


23 December 2018, the day of memory of Prelate ioasafa Belgorod, Head of the Russian Imperial House HIH the Grand Duchess Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna the age of 65.

In commemoration of this event the Church of the Holy great Martyr Irene in the intercession, founded by the first Tsar of the Romanov dynasty from Mikhail I Feodorovich, was a divine Liturgy and a moleben for the health of the better Half of a most Pious Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna and her Heir Blessed the Tsarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich.


The service was led by the rector, his Eminence Demetrios, Archbishop of Vitebsk and Orsha, His Eminence was assisted by: hieromonk Nikon (Belavenets), clergyman of the Church of the Holy Trinity Saltykov bridge of the city of Moscow, hieromonk Sofroniy (Michalski), cleric of the diocese of Arkhangelsk; and the priests of the temple SV .Irina, the clergy of the diocese of Vitebsk: hieromonk Dimitry (Tyshchenko), monk Misael (Dolin), priest Andrew Yarmolchuk, deacon Bartholomew (Kapinski), deacon John Belentsa, deacon Eugene Makarevich, deacon Andrei Shvets, deacon Nikolay Fesenko. Sang liturgical hymns the choir of the Church of St. Martyr Irina (the Regents – Nina Sirikan and Ekaterina Shamova).


Praying at the Church were officials of the office of the Russian Imperial House, headed by Director A. N. By Zakatov, members of the Russian Nobility Assembly, headed by the Leader of the O. V. Shcherbachov, associates of all-Russian public movement “For Faith and Fatherland”, headed by the Deputy Secretary of the Governing Center E. V. Veselova, Secretary cavalier Duma of the Imperial military order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Colonel O. V. Kuznetsov, Advisor of the Moscow Patriarchate’s property-known writer-hagiographer A. V. Bugaevskiy, President of the International Slavic Academy Sciences, education, arts and culture S. N. Ivanov, Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation A. A. Early, President of the society of descendants of Patriotic war of 1812 and world war I, V. I. Alyavdin, famous Georgian actor and Director David Giorgobiani living in Germany artist Eugene Schaeffer and Church members.

After the service, Archbishop Demetrios said the word, which emphasized the special bond Iranskogo of the temple with the Romanov Dynasty. In consideration of the labors for the good of the Holy Church, Metropolitan Hilarion awarded the medal “In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of restoration of Patriarchate in Russian Orthodox Church,” the Primate of the Russian Nobility Association, O. V. Sherbachev and First Vice-Marshal A. Y. Queen-Pereleshina.


Then the opening speech was made by A. N. Sunsets have conveyed to the audience the words of appreciation from the head of the Russian House of Russia her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. In conclusion, Alexander raised to Archbishop Demetrios painted portrait of Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II. With the blessing of Archbishop Demetrios speeches were made by S. N. A. Baburin and V. Bugaevskiy.

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