The consequences of a split. What you can and cannot do to believers?

October 15, members of the Holy Synod of the Russian Church found it impossible to continue to stay in communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople. From this moment all the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church cannot concelebration with the clergymen of the Church of Constantinople, and for the laity – participate in the ordinances performed in her temples. What consequences this event will affect believers? This helped to understand the Professor, the doctor of Church history, master of theology, teacher of the Sretensky theological Seminary Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin.


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1. Is it possible now to visit the churches of the Patriarchate of Constantinople? Is it possible to pray there?

Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin

Visit the churches of the Patriarchate of Constantinople can be about the same as Catholic churches. To pray to worship the relics there, no one forbids. The laity of the Russian Church and forbidden to take communion and participate in other ordinances performed in the temples of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Notes to file also not.

2. Is it possible to submit notes for family members baptized in churches of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (this may occur, for example, in mixed families)?

It is possible, because they were baptized before Eucharistic communion, that is, until the “new schism”, as it is now called. Decisions regarding the non-recognition of the sacrament of baptism in Constantinople Patriarchate yet.

3. Can the laity belonging to the Patriarchate of Constantinople, to take communion in our churches?

This question is not directly resolved in the definition of the Synod and has not yet spelled out. On this account the priests receive instructions from their bishops.

4. Is it possible to visit mount Athos metochion in Moscow? It is possible to submit notes on Athos?

On Athos farmstead “Pravmiru” reported that relative visits and notes all remained the same. Notes can be served the same as before, including online.

5. How to understand the Church a Patriarchate, for example, abroad?

It should be noted that all Greek-speaking churches (i.e. those where the service is held in Greek) in the Diaspora (i.e. outside Greece) to Western Europe, America, the far East, are under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

About the other temples you can learn in advance online, on the website of the temple. Or at information stands before the entrance to the temple. And, of course, the Liturgy on behalf of the Bishop, which rises during the Liturgy.

6. What’s with the “Kiev Patriarchate”? We still don’t recognize priests, sacraments, no communion? Something has changed or not?

Of course, do not recognize any of their sacraments, including baptism, nor their priests. We continue to believe the so-called “Kiev Patriarchate” divisive education. No autocephaly from Constantinople he had not yet received, and while there is only the intention to form a new Autocephalous Church in Ukraine. San “Patriarch” Filaret was not recognized in Constantinople, but he lifted the anathema that the ROC considered illegal for at least two reasons. On the formal side – because Constantinople is not competent to judge the clergy and bishops of other Churches, and on the merits – as an anathema, from the point of view of the Russian Orthodox Church, was quite adequate punishment.

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