In China due to tougher restrictions and objections to the adoption of children by foreigners, many orphans with special needs were homeless. But one Australian couple did not let such obstacles stand in his way. They left their prosperous country to carry out a special mission: to bring healing and love to these children.

Children playing, smiling and having fun. This is a house of joy and blessings. These children are special. Most of them were born with various physical defects such as heart defects, blindness and lung disease. Not being able to pay for treatment of their children, some parents were forced to abandon them.

According to the latest data, China’s 50 thousand orphans with special needs. Across the country about 600 thousand children-orphans, but some organizations believe that in fact there are about a million.

Dr. Joyce hill is a family doctor. She and her husband Robin live in China for 20 years. During his first visit to the country, they are faced with abandoned children at the local orphanage. And then God gave them a special mission. Taking in his arms a four year old child, they were touched.

“Suddenly he reached to the window. Of course, I don’t know that he had this in mind. Maybe he just wanted to look outside. But it seemed to me as if he wanted to say: “get me out of here”. It literally broke my heart,” says the founder of the Foundation “New hope” to Robin hill.

The couple prayed and realized that even back in this country to change it. In November 2002 they are using their savings, has established a Foundation for “a New hope”. All they have left is their faith.

“She looked at me and said, “you Know, I really think that God asks us to enter this river.” She said, “I have no idea where we will ultimately end up, but I would like to ask these people one-third of the land they intend to buy. We will build a house on it, which will open a small orphanage where we care for the sick orphans,” continues Robin hill.

Soon they began to help Finance friends and other donors, and by 2015, they collected a total of five million dollars. They opened another two orphanages in the cities of Huainan and Naomi.

“I remember at the time a deep impression on me made the Scripture, which says: “If the grain falls into the earth and dies, it will not yield fruit.” Thus, God said, “Yes, what you’ve begun here, like a small seed, and it seems that it just dies. However, it bringeth forth much fruit”. It just happened,” recalls Robin hill.

They regularly come to Christians from other countries to provide service additional help.

“We are very pleased to participate in this Ministry even in the short time we’re here. Think of the body of Christ is very important to take care of orphans, and I hope that our students will be able to learn from the vision while they are here,” says one of the volunteers.

Wife hill believe that faith and obedience to the Lord are crucial for their Ministry.

“And God provides us all. He gives again and again. Sometimes He gives a little more than we need,” claims Robin hill.

In addition to healing these precious lives, the couple hill also find opportunities to serve their employees. They are friends with Christian families, such as family Secretary and former atheist qu Kuang.

“Robin and Joyce always talked to me about the unconditional love of God. I could not understand what it means and why they help these children with their own money. Now I’m a Christian, and I know that it is Jesus that brought us all together,” says qu Guan.

Recently, China passed a new law regulating the activities of international non-governmental organizations in large cities. Some NGOs have stopped their projects due to fear that they will not have enough resources to them. But the hill is still active, believing that God is with them still not finished.

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