The exhibition “Treasures of museums of Russia” TV channel “History” will show the premiere episode of the project “the Rescued masterpieces of Russia”


TV channel “History” and the project “Russia – My story” present cinema events of “the Rescued masterpieces of Russia”, which will be held in the framework of the programme of activities of the Central cultural events of November – exhibition “Treasures of museums of Russia”. Unique serial film tells about the restoration of the most outstanding monuments of Russian culture, and invited experts will share the subtleties of the restoration process.

On 10 November with the theme “history of the Russian restoration” will be Yuri Starikov – K. I. N., Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov, Director and screenwriter of the TV channel “History”. He will tell about the history of restoration, the creation of the first restoration workshops in 1918, destroyed the monuments of decorative art, known restorers and Museum collections. After the speech show will be the debut of a series of cycle “the Rescued masterpieces of Russia”, devoted to unique fabrics, many of which are known only to the keepers of Museum collections and never exhibited.

November 17, theme of cinema events will be a scenic objects restoration and collecting. The film is dedicated to the history of salvation of the world famous masterpieces – the Sevastopol panorama of paintings from the Dresden gallery of paintings by European masters of the New time. The restoration of these works took place in the workshop oil painting restoration Centre named after academician I. E. Grabar, which traces its history back to the middle of the last century. The film features rare archival documents, photographs, newsreels and the memories of the restorers, whose efforts even the most “hopeless” masterpieces gained a second life.

November 23 at the site of the lecture of the exhibition “Treasures of Russian museums” will take place lecture of Alexander Gormatyuk candidate of art criticism, artist-restorer of the highest qualification category workshop tempera painting-Russian art scientific and restoration center them. academician I. E. Grabar. The theme of the lecture was “the Restoration of the Bogolyubsky icon”. Alexander Gormatiuk a long time doing research and restored one of the icons presented in the exhibition. The amazing fate of the pious image and its restoration will conclude with a screening of the final series Premier cycle “the Rescued masterpieces of Russia”, dedicated to the preservation of the monuments of icon painting heritage of Russian culture.


A full cycle of “the Rescued masterpieces of Russia” see on TV “History” every Saturday at 19:30, repeated on Sunday at 15:45.

  • The address of the event: Manezhnaya square 1, CEH “Manege”.
  • Registration is required.
  • To clarify the schedule and register here.

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About the exhibition

From 4 to 25 November 2018 in the Central exhibition hall “Manezh” within the framework of the XVII Church and society exhibition-forum “Orthodox Russia ― Day of national unity” presents an unprecedented in its scale exhibition “Treasures of museums of Russia”. Under the roof of the Arena collected about 280 of the most important artifacts from 50 museums in Russia.

Never in the history of Russia in a single meeting was not shown by works of art from different corners of our vast country, from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, from Khanty-Mansiysk to Feodosiya and, of course, from Central Russia and the Volga region.

The exhibition affects not only geography, but also temporary coverage. Here the works of several centuries: from the icons of the era of the Rurik dynasty to the twentieth century.

In preparation for the opening was a lot of work. Only one of the total length of the routes for the collection of works from regional museums to 145 040 km. a Lot of paintings especially for the exhibition in the Arena was renovated.

The main theme of the exhibition was the indestructible unity of the cultural space of the country. Works are not just talking about the huge creative potential, but also represent a huge educational and artistic Foundation.

Art collections the regional museums, unique. Formed by the efforts of several generations of collectors, Museum professionals, artists, and their heirs, they overcome stereotypes of provincial museums.

Curatorial team of the project, which included critics of the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Museum and exhibition center “ROSIZO” and the experts of the Patriarchal Council for culture, presents the history of Russian art in all its diversity, starting with icons and Parsuna of the XVII century and ending as known to the General public, and practically left the limits of regional museums with paintings of great artists such as K. Briullov, A. Venetsianov, O. A. Kiprensky, V. A. Tropinin, I. K. Aivazovsky, I. Levitan, I. E. Repin, V. A. Serov, B. M. Kustodiev, I. I. Mashkov, A. A. Deyneka and many others.

The exhibition presents all genres of painting: portrait (noble, bourgeois, peasant), landscape from North to South of Russia, city landscape, historical paintings. The diversity of names and works demonstrating a unique picture of the development of Russian art.

The exhibition will be a significant event for the city. Now it has attracted the interest of critics and art lovers.

In the framework of the exhibition for all age groups will be organized excursions and a rich educational program prepared by the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation, historic “Russia ― My story”, the State Tretyakov gallery and gmvts “ROSIZO”. Also published a richly illustrated catalogue.

In 2019-2020, the cycle of exhibitions is planned to continue. Presents the exhibition, dedicated to Russian and Western European art.

The opening ceremony is planned with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill.

The exhibition was prepared by the Patriarchal Council for culture with the support of the Moscow Government and the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation.

Organizers: the project “Russia ― My story”, the State Tretyakov gallery, gmvts “ROSIZO”.

  • The website of the exhibition:
  • Official instagram: @myhistory_project
  • Telephone for information: 8-800-555-1263

Media contacts:

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On the TV channel “History”

Documentary project “the Rescued masterpieces of Russia” will tell about the restoration of the most famous monuments of Russian culture. The film also shows the history of the restoration workshops, methods and technology of restoration, and the restorers will share the secrets of his trade and memories of the past and restoration Center named after academician I. E. Grabar.Special attention in the film is given the largest museums of Russia, funds which have been saved by the restorers. Including — estate of P. Tchaikovsky in Klin, the Museum “Zaraisky Kremlin”, the Tula arms Museum, the Vladimir Museum-reserve, the new Jerusalem monastery and many others. The project “the Rescued masterpieces of Russia” includes 12 episodes, each covering a specific restoration Studio of the Center named after academician Grabar.

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