The gospel in sign language

Developed a mobile application for deaf and hard of hearing “the gospel of Mark in Russian sign language”.

App users can watch the videos with the translation of the gospel of Mark on Russian sign language, divided into semantic passages.

Sign the translation on the video is accompanied by plug-in subtitles with an adapted Russian text. They not only help to understand sign language translation, but also provide an opportunity to compare the sign story with the written text of the gospel.

The video accompanies the audio, which is made for the hearing impaired who don’t know sign language and the hearing members of deaf families and those who work in education of the deaf.

“The present application the original development of the Institute for Bible translation, which is unique among Bible apps…the Real development covers a wide range of users – after all, a community of people with limited hearing is very diverse and ranges for hearing level and proficiency in sign language” – note the creators of the application.

The mobile application also contains videokommentar to biblical concepts and terms. Videosaver allows you to follow the links from the written text of the gospel within the app under each video.

The app is free to download on Google Play. In a month it will be released a version for Apple devices.

The project to translate the gospel of Mark on Russian sign language to help you realize yourself deaf and hard – of-hearing native speakers of Russian sign language. The work is conducted by the Institute for Bible translation in partnership with the Centre for work with deaf and hard of hearing “right Hand”, in cooperation with the Coordination centre for work with deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing at the Synodal Department for charity and social service of Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian public organization “all-Russian society of the deaf”. The project is supported by grant contest “Orthodox initiative 2017-2018” Fund “Cooperation”.


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