Mount Athos
13 the monasteries of mount Athos voted against having to participate in the enthronement of the head of the newly created PCU Epiphany Dumenko.
28 Jan 2019 Holy Kinot of Holy mount Athos at the extraordinary session made a decision to reject the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew, who asked Afonichev to send a delegation to participate in the enthronement of a “new Ukrainian Primate” Epiphany Dumenko, according to the Greek edition of “Romfea”.
According to the “Romfea”, of the 20 monasteries of mount Athos, only 7 voted 3 to February 2019 in Kiev to take part in the enthronement of the head of the DNC Epiphany Dumenko.
The decision of the concerned Fanar Holy mountain, as Athos monks refused to support either side of religious conflict in Ukraine and continue to maintain the balance.
The enthronement of the “Metropolitan” of the Epiphany will hold at the Cathedral of the Holy Sophia, the event Dumenko was invited and the head of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk. “Primate” ptsu stressed that his Church structure is to develop its cooperation with the Uniates.