The parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in different countries of the world noted 1030-anniversary of the baptism of Rus


The festive divine service dedicated to 1030 anniversary of the baptism of Rus, were committed in the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in different countries of the world, including in the far abroad, according to patriarhiei.

In particular, in France July 28, 2018, the day of memory of Saint Prince Vladimir, Bishop Nestor of Korsun officiated a divine Liturgy at St Nicholas Cathedral in nice. The rector of the Cathedral Archpriest Andrey Eliseev has announced the Message of his Holiness Patriarch and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on the occasion of the 1030-th anniversary of the baptism of Rus.

After the service has been performed the rite of glorification to Prince Vladimir, and in the afternoon, according to the blessing of the hierarchy, nice neighborhood resounded with celebratory bell ringing, the website of the Korsun diocese.

In his archpastoral homily Archbishop Nestor said: “Prince Vladimir has dramatically changed their lives and of cruel and unbridled man became a model of Christian virtue — merciful, chaste, restrained, internally focused, prayer. He became man, the image of which remained for centuries. And we are with you, brothers and sisters, are his heirs. Once he made this decision for all the people, by his example, preached Christ, and all of us, his spiritual children, — the partners of what had happened in Kiev 1030 years ago.”

Manager Berlin-a German diocese Archbishop Tikhon of Podolsk in the 1030-th anniversary of the baptism of Russia celebrated the divine Liturgy at the Church of the Holy equal to the apostles great Prince Vladimir in Marzahn (Berlin). During the communion hymn, the verse, the Archbishop read a Message from his Holiness Patriarch Kirill and the Holy Synod in connection with the memorable date.

Among the worshippers were the pilgrims of the Polish Orthodox Church. After the Liturgy, began a prayer to the Holy Prince Vladimir with special petitions for the unity of the Church and people of God, and then held a procession around the Church, reports the website of the Berlin-German diocese.

Archbishop Tikhon, congratulated the worshippers on the day of memory of the Baptizer of Rus — “man, positiveg Russian people by the light of faith in Christ and laid the foundations of Christian civilization in the regions of historical Russia.”

In day of memory ravnoapostolnogo Prince Vladimir, Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated the divine Liturgy in the assumption Cathedral of the city of London. After out after the communion verse of the Secretary of the diocese of Sourozh, father Dimitry, Nedostupenko, and Protodeacon Vadim Santsevich announced in Russian and English languages devoted to 1030 anniversary of the baptism of Russia the message of the Primate and Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.

At the end of the service, the Archpastor and clergy concelebrated he made a prayer glorification at the image of Vladimir.

Upon completion of the Liturgy, his Eminence addressed the congregation with words of spiritual guidance, congratulated the communicants from the communion, and gave his archpastoral blessing to the faithful, according to the diocesan website.

In celebration of the 1030-th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus ‘ administrator of the Patriarchal parishes in the USA Bishop of Naro-Fominsk was Ioannovicha divine Liturgy at St Nicholas Cathedral in new York, co-served by Cathedral clergy. During the service was dedicated to celebrating the Message of his Holiness Patriarch Kirill and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to the archpastors, clergy, monastics and laity.

After the Holy communion has been committed the solemn glorification equal to the apostles Prince Vladimir. Bishop John congratulated the congregation to 1030 anniversary of the baptism of Rus and memory equal to the apostles Volodymyr, the website of the Patriarchal parishes.

Orthodox believers in Thailand, noted 1030-anniversary of the baptism of Rus. July 28 accordance with the blessing of his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill held a solemn divine services in all Orthodox churches of the Patriarchal deanery in the country.

Especially solemnly this day was recorded in Chiang Mai, where the divine Liturgy at the Church of the Holy Baptizer of Rus Prince Vladimir was headed by Archimandrite Oleg (Cherepanin), the Dean of the Patriarchal parishes and the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church in Thailand.

Service was performed in Slavonic and tiscom languages. Most of the worshippers that day were local people-Thais like living in Chiang Mai, and coming from other cities. Some arrived on their motor vehicles from Bangkok, breaking the nearly 800 kilometers. A sermon on the theme of the festival spoke in the Thai language, the monk Mikhei (Bhasawang). At the conclusion of the divine Liturgy, a moleben was served, then held a procession around the temple.

The celebration 1030-anniversary of the Baptism of Rus in Thailand coincided with the national holiday of Thailand — birthday of His Majesty the King of Thailand Maha Vachiralongkorn Begindrawing (Frame X), which, in accordance with the Constitution, the protector of all religions in the Kingdom. On this occasion, Archimandrite Oleg (Cherepanin) also welcomed all those present, and the choir sang the Royal anthem.

For a festive meal arranged by the parishioners after the service, the Cathedral choir under the direction of V. marszalkowski gave a small concert, reports the website of the Russian Orthodox Church in Thailand.

In celebration of the 1030-th anniversary of the baptism of Russia in the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Damascus was held a festive prayer service. It was done by the representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia to the Patriarch of Antioch and all the East hegumen Arseniy (Sokolov).

The prayer service was attended by members of the Russian Orthodox Church living in the Syrian capital and its surroundings. After the service father Arseny announced the Message of his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to the archpastors, clergy, monastics and laity.

Then we had a celebratory tea party, which was attended by members and guests of the parish, the website of the Mission.

July 28, 2018 in the Church of St. Catherine in Rome (Italy) priest Alexis Maximov celebrated the divine Liturgy. Upon termination of service from the pulpit was read text messages on 1030-anniversary of the Baptism of Rus. Then the bells of the Orthodox Russian Church on the banks of the Tiber announced ancient Rome, a solemn knell, according to the parish website.

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