The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church will lead the nightly procession in honor of the Royal family

A procession in honor of the Royal family gathers hundreds of believers

The Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill will lead the night procession from the Temple-on-Blood in Ekaterinburg to the monastery of the Royal Martyrs at Ganina Yama.

The distance that must be overcome to the participants of the religious procession, is 21 km away and the Procession is timed 100-year anniversary of the murder of the family of the last Russian Emperor, Interfax reported.

Procession in memory of the Royal passion-bearers takes place annually on the night of July 17.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church commemorate the Holy Royal family, executed by Bolsheviks on the night of 16 to 17 July 1918 in the Ipatiev house, the site of which was later erected the Temple on Blood. After the shooting the bodies of the members of the Imperial family and their entourage was taken in the hole Ganina Yama there destroyed with fire and sulfuric acid. At the end of 2000 the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church is blessed to build a monastery in memory of the Romanov family.

In the night from 16 to 17 July, his Holiness the Patriarch will make divine Liturgy in the square before the Church on the Blood, then lead the procession to Ganina Yama. On arrival there will be moleben to the Holy Royal passion-bearers.

The Patriarch’s visit to the Ekaterinburg diocese began on July 13.

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