The rector of the UOC father Andrew Genlock
Rector of St. Michael Church of the UOC, which the raiders tried to translate in ptsu, intends to prove in court the illegitimacy of unauthorized meetings.
Rector of St. Michael Church of the UOC Krasnovolia the village of Manevychi district, Archpriest Andrew Genlock announced that it will contest in court the results of the illegitimate Assembly, which allegedly was accepted the decision on transition to the PCU. This priest said in comments to “Pershoho”.
“In the temple was held illegitimate charges, as in accordance with the Charter of our Church, the parish meeting shall be convened by the rector, – the priest told. – Because I saw no need to hold a meeting today – I didn’t call. Fees have been held illegally, not met neither the Protocol part or the regulations. Secretary not elected. So these charges have no legal force. This is my opinion”.
Commenting on the fact that for the transition to the DNC signed by the villagers of pogulyanka and Krasnovolia father Andrew said the quarter has its own community of St. Vladimir Church and they do not have the right to decide the fate of the other community.
“In Krasnovolya those who collected signatures, asked people: “what are you a Church – Russian or Ukrainian?”. It was already the wrong question, because we today are not called legally by the Russian Church. We – The Ukrainian Orthodox Church. And put the question in such a way to cause more aggression and get the desired result. That is why, in my opinion, the people, and signed, ” – said the Archpriest Andrew.
In addition, he reported that individuals pressured.
“We in the legal field to challenge the illegal decision, because the fees were illegitimate. We will also submit to the court,” – said the priest.
As reported by the SPM, 30 December a group of activists staged a “camp” at St. Michael’s Church, to which they are not related, and voted for the transition to the PCU.