The ROC provided a translation of the first chapters of Mark’s gospel sign language

Translations into sign language will help neslysim understand the gospel better

The Russian Orthodox Church jointly with the Institute for Bible translation created a version of Mark’s gospel for the deaf.

In July 2018 in Moscow was published the translation of the first three chapters of the gospel of Mark on Russian sign language, reports patriarhiei.

Worked on the project of the Synodal Department for Church charity and social service of the ROC, the Institute for Bible translation and the all-Russian society of the deaf.

The translation is available in video format at two sites: on the YouTube channel of the Institute translation of the Bible is broken down into semantic passages and on the channel “right Hand” – with the layout of the chapters.

The videos contain illustrations, captions with the gospel text as well as audio recording.

“Subtitles will help neslysim to associate gestures with the written text of the gospel” – note the authors of the translation.

The text of the gospel of Mark was chosen because it is most simple for such a transfer.

“Besides, from all four gospel messages only in the gospel of Mark mentions about the healing of the deaf man”, – said Deputy Director of the Institute for Bible translation Natalia Gorbunova.

When you create a transfer, the experts took into account the wishes and comments of the deaf people who participated in the project. The creators of the translation of the gospel of Mark for sign language hope it will be useful not only for deaf and hard of hearing, but the clergy taking pastoral care of hard of hearing persons, ecclesiastical and secular sign language interpreters and teachers of the deaf and hearing members of families with hard of hearing persons.

Earlier in Dnepropetrovsk diocese of the UOC held a worship service in sign language.

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