His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill will meet and chat with the participants of the III International Orthodox youth forum. It will be held on 23 August at the pavilion 75 VDNH. To send your question to the Patriarch right now on the official website. The most relevant and interesting of them, His Holiness will answer on the Forum. The forum is organized by the Synodal Department for youth Affairs of Russian Orthodox Church together with the Moscow Government.
This summer send your question to his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill, anyone can. To do this, go to the official website of the Forum and fill out a short form. Answers to the most important, interesting and relevant of these issues will give the Patriarch during his speech at the III International Orthodox youth forum.
Apart from communion with the Patriarch of the main events of the Forum, its participants will enjoy the presentation of the 50 youth projects. For the Forum were selected only the most significant and unique projects in the areas of volunteerism and digital technologies, crafts and agriculture, architecture and design, culture and sports.
Future architects and designers will be interested in the project “Church architecture of the XXI century” graduates of the Moscow architectural Institute. On the forum they will present original solutions in the field of temple architecture, interior design and landscape design programowych territories.
MFUA students develop a program of virtual tours of the temple of St. Euphrosyne of Moscow. To do it with a VR-helmet will be available to all visitors of the Forum.
2018 in Russia declared the year of the volunteer. The Forum will be attended by many promising and innovative volunteer projects. So, the enthusiasts of the project “Common cause” for many years reviving the masterpieces of wooden architecture in Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, republics of Karelia and Komi. Artists, doctors and teachers from the city of Cheboksary create unique technology tactile paintings and icons for blind people. The exhibition will take place on the Forum.
Members of search Association “Boundary” organize expeditions to places of battles of the great Patriotic war. They also organize a forum on the exhibition and will introduce everyone to the recovered artifacts.
Advance to meet with these and many other projects, select the best and vote for it on the official website of the Forum. The most promising and socially significant projects presented at the Forum will be awarded with grants of the Patriarch and the Mayor of Moscow for their further development.
Already on the Forum, August 23, visitors will see detailed presentations of these projects in the form of fun interactive programs – workshops, training, exhibitions, intellectual games.
In addition, they will have the opportunity to chat with the authors of projects: those will tell visitors how to turn an idea into a startup, and the startup in public projects. On the Forum of Orthodox young people will be able to gain new knowledge and skills, exchange professional experiences and to choose the profession.
Admission is free. Visitors need to pre-register on the official website http://pravoslavieforum.ru
The II international Orthodox youth forum (held in October 2016) was visited by over 14,000 people. Young Russian scientists and students of leading universities, and employees of successful tech companies – presented its advanced developments. Interactive exhibition consisted of stands of innovative companies and universities, such as Moscow state University, MEPhI, MGTU, higher school of Economics, Moscow architectural Institute, Russian state social University, Moscow aviation Institute, MIT, nust MISIS, MIPT, PFUR, Moscow Polytechnic University, MIREA, gtsolifk.
Among presented on the Forum decisions were, in particular, the device “Echo Sonar”, to help you navigate visually impaired people, the Russian unmanned tractor”, IRobot” that can perform a wide range of tasks, simulator walk on Mars from MSU. University, created on the basis of the latest virtual reality technology. Another interesting project is the “electronic nose” developed in MEPhI. This is a portable analyzer that allows to detect a disease in the exhaled air.