Adrian Bukovina — an expert on family policy and family relations, candidate of philosophical Sciences, President of the Ukrainian charitable Fund “Family”. 3 March 2016 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued a decree on the appointment of Adrian Bukovina to the new state in the position of Commissioner of family and family values. But after a few days announced that it will hold an open competition for candidate for the named office.

A few days separating the two decisions, been a number of developments – in particular, a very violent reaction to Adrian Bukovina, from the Ukrainian LGBT activists, supported by the media. Adrian Bukovina was accused of homophobia, as well as having links with the sect of Elijah Caught up, which calls itself the “Ukrainian Orthodox Greek-Catholic Church” (UOGCC).

This is an interview with the press service of the Association “Emmanuel” — one of the first deployed conversations with Adrian Bukovina. Here raised the most critical questions about the political background of open competition, initiated by the Cabinet of Ministers; on state family policy and LGBT people; on the links with the sect were Caught up; about those major issues that will confront the state Commissioner of family and family values – no matter who took office.
Interview in the Ukrainian language.

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