Unique painting of the Kenozersky national Park presented at the exhibition in Moscow


The all-Russian art scientific and restoration centre named after academician I. E. Grabar (Moscow) opened the exhibition “a Century for the eternal”. One of its exhibits was a unique piece of art from the Kenozersky national Park – ceiling with “celestial” paintings from the chapel of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God village Hvalynskaya (Arkhangelsk oblast).

=” paragraph”> The opening ceremony was attended Deputy Director of Department of state policy and regulation in the field of development of specially protected natural territories of the Baikal natural territory Ministry of natural resources of Russia Yury Firsov. He expressed confidence that the unique display of. not only will cause great interest of the residents and guests of the capital, but will also inspire visitors to explore the natural and ethnographic beauty of the national Park.

In Soviet times, the top of the chapel of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God was demolished, painted sabelina, and the room is arranged in the store. In 1960-70-ies whitewash washed away, but unprofessional, significantly damaging the paint layer. On the restoration of the monument took two years. The first restoration work was performed in 2009 by a specialist of the Arkhangelsk branch of GRC them. academician I. E. Grabar Alexei Checiny. In 2018, Russia’s largest restoration center, established after the revolution on the initiative of artist and art historian Igor Grabar, said the 100-year anniversary. Throughout the century the employees of the Center took an active part in the formation and preservation of the Museum Fund contributed to the creation of the restoration workshops in most major museums in Russia, and in fact were the founders of the main directions of scientific restoration.


The exhibition “a Century for the eternal” – the key event of the jubilee year, represents the result of years of work of all the workshops of the Centre and three of its branches in Arkhangelsk, Vologda and Kostroma. The exhibition includes more than 140 exhibits from 50 Russian museums, in different years past restoration and attribution of the Center Grabar.

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