on Patrico posits Gunny Turchinova the right person cogno
to freedom of thought, swegle virginnia pogledu

Splinta naukowcow RSNA galuzey knowledge, and also pravozahisnik prosman organization, willowroot his turbulant z drive protobranch Chikovani Dean of the faculty of prirodnich-Geographe osti Ecolog pedagogichnogo National University im. Drahomanov Gunny Turchinova for willowlane her promano position. Voiced her criticism genderno GEOLOGIA I rontos on the norms of article 51 Constitut Ukrainy, ale vodnochas zazna peresman, in particular, s side okremih Oborniki antidiscrimination expertise skelnik Parusnikov.

It turns out, NIN for vylovlennya elementarnih of naukovih facts – about the nature stosunkiv mizh people that sman Union, that ye in mineral lachey mizh column inkou – indiscriminately vatamati Erlik“homophobic” Chi “xenophobic”, Yak TSE th vdbase schodo Gunny Turchinova. Curiously enough, such a person zaznavama discriminating otisku from quiet Institute, yaki Mali bi newpreteen sahamati vsih rights of people, including Tom s konservativnyi Pogledaj, not lachey pevny menshin I now pewno dialog.

Z USU purecelebsite namolocheno scho in Ukraine is not there is the toll-godno obrotowego Pratsi, gdna Naukovo uwagi, on the topic of adnotation STOSUNKU that so zuanich rights of the LGBT Galus medicine in hi, hi psiholog, jurisprudents hi toscho. Poedinok dozen, that trapletti, je schley manpussy, varanytsia vastly of naukovih arguments I pdmenu to understand, scho yde vsuperech of the legislation of Ukraine that Sahalinsk ambushes suspilno moral.

On the same pastav navne Naukovo basagana Turchynov publio became constituting Zahist rights freedoms I batkiv,kids of the family * UC principles whether yakogo suspilstva, and also wyznaczonego in Constitut of Ukraine understand slubu Yak Union women I cholovika. So needless TSE Robino th mi have their profesini Naukovo-pedagogichni diyalnosti and takozh farther that, properly, the people of Ukraine in total, understanding topicort NSA slajv development of suspilstva, ocrm family ¿Vdovin Batista I maternity.

After mi, Polycom wlasna cost, perikanan wiodacy s Naukovo dovedena facts, wajam scho not illegal to itsyou run nazivati nonsense – the truth, the pathology is the norm. Same that us vtkdata gender Geology, Yak hlyboko vcorea to neomarxists swoggled ruine pavolini Yak suspilstvo the powers, so I family * osobitost.
So, the precedent s likuvannyam Gunny Turchinova for viragen her conservative look story nebezpeku Yak for zabezpechennya rights lyudin in Ukraine on the freedom of thought that virginnia pogledu, so I otchizne for science, Yak policana vdrukovuvaty Ob ctivo stinu I vinosity , at the world, and all the more so, wilyat in the legislation. Parousia not only the person of the right to freedom of thought that swegle and freedom wisin Stine naukovih dozen.

Nagado, scho статтях9 the 10 Evropeisko Convents about Zahist rights lyudin that osnovopolojnik freedoms zaznachiti scho skin has got the right to freedom of thought that virginnia pogledu. Zaznachene the right person ” basis evropeisko Democrat. I in this case we are talking about the same freedom virginnia osobistych (of naukovih Chi rainy) pogledu person of the issues that genderno dialog , criticism, and not about zaklik to obmezhennya chichos rights.

However given the situation is to bring, scho viznacheno Convenceu the person of the right to freedom virginnia pogledu not just zazna bezpasnosti obmezhennya, ale hour pdpage pid swore “taboo” on the freedom of willowlane schodo konkretnih Avis Chi group osib, in particular, criticism genderno dialog that claim about scalepct, propaganda of adnotation vanasin.

S look around on Kasane, Vikoulov his rsuch Patrico of willowlane promarine Turchinova, Yak have borotbi for Naukovo dovedeno stinu opinies in San brudnowo, printlogo, protobranchia likuvannya naklab s side okremih jurnaltv I pravozahisnik, angazovani neomarxists gender Geology skuta Vdovin grantown finansowany.

Wymagana skasuvannya holding antidiscrimination experticity I oth program take Yak, scho discreditable yourself through novahost geologo zaangazowani through secondone finansowania Fund, etc Gainers. Natali salesite lachey Yak obov’yazkovo Naukovo-metodichna the sanitary and epidemiological Parusnikov I osth programs, Yak peredacha digit vis requirements of the Yak to vapona expert, so I to procedure I holding.

Zaklikali our colleagues-naukowcow the usih people dobro freedom of protestati probem of obesity Naukovo freedom that osnovopolojnik cogno the person of the right to freedom of thought, swegle virginnia pogledu.

Papanti s side Naukovo splinti:

1. Kamenska Tetyana – doctor of Economics, rector of the Institute Kislorodozavisimogo to a b_znes I right, Professor, VCE-President gromadsko organization “Dlow Ukrainian women”;
2. Maxim Balaklitsky – Dr. iz comunic social Sciences, Professor of the Department jurnalistiki Vestnik Khar’kov national University im. V. N. Karana;
3. Leong Cemerski – doctor of Economics, Director of the Institute of international cooperation dlaboha, Professor;
4. Ivan Mozgoviy– filosofskih doctor of Sciences, Professor Sumskogo sovereign University;
5. Volodymyr Medvedev – doctor medichnih Sciences, associate Professor;
6. Marina Medvedєva – doctor yuridichnih Sciences, associate Professor;
7. Stanch Irina Leonidivna – doctor of Sciences pedagogichnij;
8. Sergiy Pastushenko – doctor technonic Sciences, Zaslujennyi prank osti, Professor;
9. Oleg Zhernokluev– starichna doctor of Sciences, Professor;
10. Vladislav Olhovskiy – doctor fsico-matematichnikh Sciences;
11. Novel lab – Dr. bamanga bogoslav I;
12. Nna Belousova – yuridichnih candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Department of civilnog the labor law Kislogo economcial national University im. Vadym Hetman;
13. Olena of Bagachka – ProLogic candidate of Sciences, associate Professor Sumskogo sovereign pedagogichnogo University imeni A. S. Makarenka;
14. Wheni Belonojka – filosofskih candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Department of Culturology pedagogichnogo National University im. M. P. Dragomanov;
15. Nadia Stovolos – candidate of Economics, associate Professor Sumskogo nazaraliyeva University;
16. Gridkovets Lyudmila – candidate of Sciences psihologichnyh;
17. Lviv Olena – candidate of Sciences yuridichnih;
18. Kateryna Bozhko – candidate psihologichnyh Sciences;
19. Olexa Petru candidate yuridichnih Sciences;
20. Marina Domashenko– candidate of Economics, associate Professor Sumskogo sovereign University;
21. Yuri Reshetov candidate filosofskih Sciences;
22. Wtli Coptic candidate medichnih Sciences;
23. Hum Olena – candidate of Economics;
24. Adrian Bukovynski candidate filosofskih Sciences;
25. Vyacheslav Kuzmich – candidate pedagogichnij Sciences;
26. Dmytro, Petrenyuk candidate fsico-matematichnikh Sciences;
27. Petro Husak– candidate filosofskih Sciences;
28. Oleg Sheremet– candidate medichnih Sciences;
29. Anatoly Raichinets candidate filosofskih Sciences;
30. Mikhaylo Ryabenko – pedagogichnij candidate of Sciences, associate Professor;
31. Rostislav OGRA candidate yuridichnih Sciences;
32. Homa Valeriy Oleksandrovich– PhD yuridichnih Sciences;
33. Roman Onufriychuk candidate filosofskih Sciences;
34. Gubna Svitlana – candidate of Sciences pedagogichnij;
35. Oleksandr Antonaci – clinicopathogenetic candidate of Sciences, associate Professor;
36. Marina Antonaci – psihologichnyh candidate of Sciences, associate Professor;
37. Andrew Finger – filosofskih candidate of Sciences;
38. Andriy Terlecki candidate fsico-matematichnikh Sciences;
39. Ubogu Gennadiyovich Sergiy – candidate of Sciences farmaceutyczna;
40. Natalia Vasilenko – methodologist of methodical centre management oswt the Department humancare policy Dneprovsko msica for;
Papanti s side hromadskosti:
41. Gromadyanska movement “All together”
42. Gromadska of “Hi habanita!”
43. Vseukrainsky blagodijnij Fund “For the person gidnist”
44. Gromadska of “Kapelanski sluna the viyska”
45. Association jurnaltv, wydawca I movzu “Novomedia”
46. Vseukrainsky blagodijnij Fund “Family”
47. Association of Christians wristw “Hushai”
48. VGO “Institute of enesi life that Vseswit”
49. Gromadska of “Nobility dwellers to live”
50. Blagodijnij Fund “the Power Lubov”
51. Vseukrainsky blagodijnij Fund “Sobornist”
52. Gromadska of Association “Poklic”
53. TOVARISTVO hristianskih comunque “the Vineyard”
54. Gromadska of”Dobrobut”
55. Blagodijnij Fund”Happy family”
56. Gromadska of”Soldanesti”
57. Gromadska of “Dityacha MSA”
58. Association torco osti “Dyvosvit”
59. Gromadska of”Zaraz tvy hour”
60. Gromadska of “Nulls”

Pdpyv mill on 22 June 2018 rock
Declare vakrita to papasena: [email protected]

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