The last film Mel Gibson — “For reasons of conscience” — the doctor-the Christian without any weapons saved from a battlefield more than 70 people during the Second world war. But there is another film, especially close to the heart of Gibson’s, on which he also now works. Recently in new York, he told more about it.

MHN: Mel, it is no secret that you are working on a sequel to the passion of the Christ. Why did you decide to take it off?

Mel Gibson, actor and Director:
Because it’s called “Resurrection”. It is impossible to remove one more “Passion”, but you can see their fruits. So it will be interesting to see what we get.

MHN: the media say that you chose a very creative approach to the film. At the same time, of course, need to convey its essence — the actual resurrection of Christ.

Yes, of course. I’m working with Randall Wallace. And for a long time we’ve thought about all that. This event has a lot of theological interpretations. That is, it is of great importance. And really, who else after will kill him in the public eye, then in three days I will rise again, will be different people, and then even begin to do something? No one and never did.

According to Gibson, this sequel, to be called “the Resurrection”, will be released not even one year, but if he is a bit like “the passion of the Christ”, it will be something awesome! And the full interview with Mel Gibson, see the website cbn.com.

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